Monday, October 27, 2008


Hey there, my name is Chris. I’m 35 years old (as of 2008) and have a condition in my left foot called tarsal coalition. Since my right foot is healthy, it makes it a little easier to see and understand what the difference is between a normal foot and a foot affected with tarsal coalition. I thought I’d put some images and text together on a blog to hopefully help other patients.

It’s taken me a while to understand exactly what’s up with my left foot. Hopefully this little blog will help you quickly answer some questions you may have. I will hopefully be having surgery soon, and will keep the blog updated on at least a weekly basis as that unfolds. Please feel free to comment, correct or add your thoughts.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Good luck. I will be reading with great interest. I have to have the very same surgery in Jan. I am concerned as though it sounds like a good fix, it will over time put stress in an area of the foot that was never meant to carry such stress. Alas, sometimes its the lesser of two evils that prevail. Keep blogging and I will keep reading. Thanks for setting this up. Great idea.