I spent the night at the hospital. As the effects of the nerve block wore off I had a PAC machine hooked up to my IV to help with pain. The PAC machine has a big syringe inside of it full of pain killer. I was told that if I felt even a tingle I should hit the button that activated the PAC. The PAC would not allow me to overdose, so I could hit the button whenever I felt something.
While I was in the hospital I felt NO pain. Nothing. This was a real surprise for me as I was under the assumption that pain was going to be a real bear after the surgery.
We did keep ice on my foot to help with any swelling. I spent most of my time in the hospital watching TV and sleeping. I was discharged less than 24 hours after surgery.
Getting around the houseA physical therapist trained me on how to use crutches, which was a little scary. I have a friend in the medical supply business that brought me a walker. It's really great and I would recommend you get one for around the house. It comes in especially handy in the bathroom when you need the extra stability.
BathingI'm not allowed to shower or take a bath for a week. This is a bit tough. I've been using a wash rag and my wife washes my hair.
Pain MedicineI'm taking two Percocet 7.5/325mg every 5 hours. The directions say every 6 hours, but I start hurting after 4. So I split the difference. I am hurting now, but not horribly. I compare the pain I'm feeling to the way my foot felt after I spent the day walking or cutting the grass. I had the surgery because my foot hurt, so I am used to foot pain. But as the Percocet wears off, I do get sharp pains and some periods of throbbing. It's all manageable though. Keeping my foot elevated helps eliminate pain as well.
Follow-upI will have a follow-up appointment with the PA (physician assistant) in about a week. I'll take my camera with me in case the bandages come off. I think I have a total of 5 incisions.